Monday, March 17, 2008

This week was great! wyatt and hailey had their first junior rodeo, it was so exciting to see both of them compete. wyatt rodeo a sheep which didn't turn out so well for him, but his goat tying was much better. Hailey had the most adorable barrel racing shirt on she thought she looked beautiful and she did. she competed in pulling the ribbon off the goats tail and stick barrel racing.
our first phase of our remodel is almost done, will post pics of the house soon. our lambs have had a tough week, we had lost 5 lambs and sold one, hailey thought her heart was going to break because I sold one of her lambs, she just kept hugging it and kissing it, she cried for 30 min. it broke my heart I almost turned back around to get the lamb, but I told her there will be others!


Belew said...

Thank you for the comment I am glad to see that you put another post. I love to work with you to.I think that you need to post some pictures I wan to see Haileys cute shirt. Luv ya