Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It was finally here the time to move the house, they started early in morning at 7:00am it was so exciting, they told us the house would take 6-7 hours to move. the highway patrol showed up and it was time to get the show on the road. the movers intermountain house movers closed down off ramps in tremonton and what up them, unsure if the house would fit under the overpass on I-84 but it made it, the house moved at 15mph and they're were many times workers got out and checked on clearance on both sides of the house. it arrived about 3:00pm and it seemed to safely arrive. the foundation was not yet poured(waiting on the slow ass county to give me a building permit)!!!! so house is sitting waiting for basement to be poured!


Belew said...

I am so glad that you finally got your house moved!!!! That might take some of that stress off you.

Grove Family said...

Oh how exciting!!! Good luck with getting the permit :)

Christensen Family said...

I didn't know you had a blog. Now we can stay intouch after you move on to "different" things :) I'm so Glad you house made it!!

Christensen Family said...

so you got your wish..... You had a TRAUMA....... I'm going to miss ya! you better keep in touch, even just a Hell-o on the Blog once in a while!! GOOD LUCK!!!